North View Cottage

North View Cottage

16 Sept 2010

Planning to begin...

Had the first visit today of the Building Regs Inspector, to advise on works we want to carry out to replace the 2 roofs. The main roof is a remove and replacement with black slate type tiles, replacing any necessary timbers, and the bathroom extension roof which was a flat felted roof, is being replaced with a hipped apex type roof at the rear of the property.

The Building Contractor also came to the cottage, to finalise details etc, and good news is that forms are filled in and relevant fee has been paid, we have the "go ahead" to commence work!!

We have asked for a contract from the Builder, and once this is in place on Monday, scaffolding will be erected, hopefully next Thursday...

Building Regs person also told us its possible to replace kitchen window with a pair of french doors out to patio area, and to knock down a brick wall into bathroom, to extend bathroom, the plan is to make room for a shower. So far, so good.