North View Cottage

North View Cottage


The main roof on the cottage is in a very poor state, with rotten timbers, broken slates and basically no we have opted for full replacement.

The bathroom extension currently has a flat felt roof, or it used to have a felt covering, until the winter snow and heavy rains have virtually removed all covering, until it has totally rotted and given way! Our plan is to replace this roof with a hipped Apex type roof, to join into main cottage roof at rear of building.

October 10th, 2010, work has commenced to remove old roof tiles and timbers...

Week ending October 29th, timbers replaced where needed, new hipped bathroom roof constructed, and roof now felted, latted and first of slates in place.....

November 2010, the cottage roof is complete, scaffolding is removed.
The rear view! (unfortunately, not our garden!)

The front view, a fantastic improvement with the black slates

Rear roof and new hipped roof on bathroom