North View Cottage

North View Cottage

13 Sept 2010

Completion Day!

Well finally, after a rush to the solicitor's office to sign a further letter, received call from Agent to say completion had taken place, and I could go to collect the keys.

Our first visitor was the Plumber, to try and rectify a leaking water pipe in the loft! it appears to be leaking from several joints on central heating pipes in the loft..not good news, although he has checked cold water mains supply and that is ok.

I took down old smelly curtains from kitchen and bedrooms, brushed cobwebs from window frames (which are Everest, with lovely hardwood window sills - windows need to be replaced at some point in the distant future!) and then decided to fill in some time while plumber was busy, by pulling up lounge carpet and underlay..old oak boards under this flooring, and pulled out the ancient electric fire surround to reveal a chimney opening (so we can possibly have a gas fire installed).

In the kitchen I managed to dismantle the wall cupboards (before they fell off the wall) and took apart the kitchen base units that are destined for the skip...lurking behind these the plumber discovered that the gas cooker pipe had not been sealed off - he did a double take when he saw it, had been left in a dangerous state..

Home for a lovely hot shower...a good start for day one!!