North View Cottage

North View Cottage

10 Sept 2010

It won't be long now.....

Our Solicitor rang this afternoon, to tell us exhange of contracts will take place Monday morning, and we should receive a telephone call to ask us to collect the keys from the Agents...Disappointed that it won't be today, Friday, as he first suggested, but some hold up in vendor's paperwork.

I have been preparing for the "big clean" when I do get into the cottage..It's not been lived in for years, and is musty, foisty, damp, smelly, with old carpets and curtains still in place. I had to laugh when I read the contents list as part of the house purchase, the Vendor has actually listed these plus curtain poles as part of fixtures and fittings! They will be first things to go into the skip!

I decided to pick up some paint colour charts while in DIY store, this is (very) forward planning!!!