North View Cottage

North View Cottage


The bathroom is in a small brick built extension that has been added some years ago to the rear of the cottage.

Due to the current layout of the cottage, the bathroom will have to remain where it is, no room for manouvre or change - although we hope to incorporate the small rear lobby to give us additional space, hopefully for a seperate shower space.
Currently in very poor condition, mainly due to the failure of the felt roof, when it rain water pours through the ceiling ( well what ceiling remains), not to mention  the retro royal blue bathroom suite!

The plumber has removed the bath and sink, and with the old wall tiles taken off, the walls are now mainly down to bare brick...

and the ceiling collapsed!!

The kitchen doorway and small hall window have been blocked up to create a small shower room, and the bathroom wall is in process of being demolished to make room for a new door frame into the bathroom

Shower room ceiling joists installed.

beginnings of a shower room!