North View Cottage

North View Cottage

27 Aug 2015

Slight Panic??!

Our neighbour contacted us urgently last night, she had passed by the cottage and spotted a "for sale" sign standing prominently in our front garden. 

Now this is the first thing that we knew about the cottage being advertised for sale, true, it has been in our minds over recent times, as the cottage was first purchased with the view to renovating it and then selling, before moving onto a next project, but I think that as we have carried out all of the work, we have built our hearts into the renovation and are now very reluctant to move on.

After an email message to the estate agent, it became clear that the erection of the sign was a genuine mistake; it appears the company who fix the signs may have been given the wrong postcode for an actual house for sale, and they have guaranteed to the remove the sign very soon.

It will certainly give the neighbours something to gossip about!