North View Cottage

North View Cottage

20 Aug 2014

Construction Begins

At last after many weeks of planning and designing, changing our ideas, being let down by one builder and receiving an extortionate quote for brickwork from another, hubby and myself have decided to "have a go" at brickwork for the dwarf walls ourselves.

The materials were ordered and delivered, tools brought down from the attic storage, a couple of visits to DIY stores for extras needed, and we buckled down to the task...

Here follow lots of photos of the various stages of the dwarf wall construction, logging them mainly for future reference.

We slotted in 50mm polystyrene cavity insulation between brick walls

The next stage was to remove the rear UPVC door and replace with a small timber window, and to brick up remaining doorway. We managed to get caught in a heavy rainstorm, the tail end of hurricane Bertha!
We somehow managed to rig up a temporary tarpaulin and eventually completed the brickwork at 11pm at night, both of us being absolutely shattered!