North View Cottage

North View Cottage

20 Mar 2012

Kitchen Cupboard - Armoire

Yet another ebay purchase!! I'm sure hubby is despairing of me searching ebay!

This pine/oak? cupboard with internal shelves is a huge piece of furniture, made to measure almost for left side alcove in the kitchen. the seller listed it as an Antique Armoire...she previously bought it from an antique shop in Camden.  The courier collected from Marble Arch in London to bring back to the cottage, none too happy he had to pay London congestion charge when collecting.

We sourced some pine door knobs, which we stained and waxed before fitting, as we initially had to use a screw driver in doors to open them.


Inside is painted a horrible puce pink colour, so I intend to repaint and line the shelves, before filling with kitchen goodies.