North View Cottage

North View Cottage

14 Jan 2015

Vehicle Security Post

As the garage is now demolished, we have had a removable security post fitted at the edge of the driveway, for additional secuirty.

Outhouse Shed Roof Replacement

We have removed remaining cement corrugated sheeting from the Shed roof, and replaced it with black slate type tiles to match the main cottage roof. This has also made the shed watertight, suitable for storage of tools, coal etc.

2 Jan 2015

Garage Now Demolished

The work to demolish that garage has been completed, giving us more parking area at the rear of the cottage.

The metal gate has been relocated, however the builders need to return to the cottage in the New Year to complete the roof works on the outbuilding. We also need to decide on a a paving option to replace the concrete floor in the rear yard areas in order to tidy this up.