North View Cottage

North View Cottage

27 Jun 2014

Is it an Orangery, a Sun Room or a Conservatory? Will it be a Mini-Orangery?

The term ‘orangery’ has become a very popular word to describe a wide range of glazed structures which are usually very different from the classical orangeries of the seventeenth century. It is not surprising that there is some confusion regarding the definition of an orangery.....

The classical orangery

Historically an orangery was a building in the grounds of fashionable residences from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, and given a classical architectural form. In England orangeries were typically Georgian in style (examples include Kensington Palace and the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew).

The term ‘orangery’ reflects the original use of these buildings as a place where citrus trees were often over wintered in tubs.

How to describe the modern orangery

The simplest description of an orangery, is a room with a glazed lantern set into a flat roof. 
  • The plastered flat roof with down lighters provides the feel of a ‘proper room’. 
  • The room is bathed in light from the glazed lantern.
  • Although the ceiling height is only just above the door height,  the lantern adds visual height and an open spacious feel

Wall construction for an orangery

The modern orangery may have any configuration of masonry or windows and doors

How does an orangery differ from a conservatory?

Whilst an orangery has an inset glazed roof lantern, a conservatory will always have roof beams going right to the edge and therefore be fully glazed.

Orangery design considerations

An orangery extension is very versatile. Each elevation of an orangery may have any combination of masonry, windows, French doors or bifolding door sets.

Flooring for Orangery

I just love the Victorian style tile effect of this laminate flooring....a possibility for the sun room/orangery?

Summer Garden

The flowers are looking lovely in the garden this summer, lots of colour.

7 Jun 2014

An amazing 6000 views!

Thankyou to all the visitors who have stopped by our blog pages, we have reached an amazing 6000+ page views

We began this blog mainly to chart our personal challenge to renovate North View Cottage, which we have almost accomplished. Our apologies for not posting as frequently as previously, but as the work on the cottage comes to and end, so the photographs become less frequent.