North View Cottage

North View Cottage

26 Jul 2012

Ongoing Painting

Ongoing with undercoating and painting door architrave that is to be fitted to hallway door frames.
We found its easier to touch up the final top coat of paint if previous coats of paint are done before it is fixed in place.

Sailing By!

Looked out of the lounge window last night and spotted a hot air balloon flying right in front of the cottage

25 Jul 2012

Tiling the Porch

The tiler arrived today to make a start laying the travertine floor tiles.
As it is only 1.5 square metres, it didn't take too long to lay them down on cement..he will return in a few days to grout them..looking good!!

Update 1 August

The tiles have now been grouted, and I will give them 2 coats of sealant today

Update...tiles are now grouted and sealed

23 Jul 2012

Fireplace installation

Today, finally, the first stage of the fireplace installation is taking place. We have had the chimney lined by a specialist chimney company (see previous post) so that we can burn solid fuel, and today begins the installation of a concrete fire back, connection to the chimney opening, and the beginnings of a hearth.

We had to use a Hetas qualified fitter, so that in future if we wish to sell the cottage, we will have the relevant certificates of conformity.

Pictures as work progressed:

We now have to wait a few days for the cement screed on hearth to set before tiles are to be laid.

Blue and White china jugs

Many moons ago, I used to collect blue and white china, some I inherited, some gifts and others car boot sale buys!

Sadly a lot of it has been lost due to moving houses etc, but I have salvaged a few of the special jugs, some of which came from my Grandma's house.

21 Jul 2012

Latest purchases

I really must stop buying chairs and sofas..I am afraid to count up actually how many chairs we do have now.. it must be nearing 20+ (although have nearly as many tables too!!)

This lovely solid pine chair for in the small porch - perfect for sitting reading watching the world go by....

I love the colours on this sofa - i think it will dictate the colour scheme for the sitting room....

20 Jul 2012

Porch at front of cottage

We have never really liked the UPVC white porch that was fitted to the cottage when we bought it, however through the winter and heavy rains it has proved to be quite useful, and for the time being have decided to leave it standing, and will try to tidy it and make it more of a pleasant space when coming to the front door of the cottage.

We have sourced 3 boxes of travertine mosaic tiles left over from someone's DIY project, and today they have been sealed, now awaiting the tile fitter...

Cupboard tidying

After a visit to Ikea, using my purchases in process of sorting dried goods in kitchen cupboard

17 Jul 2012

Latest Ebay purchase

Our latest purchase, a very heavy pine refurbished cupboard, very "shabby chic" style, with plenty of storage space, something the cottage is lacking, so it will come in very useful  I'm sure!

Not sure where it will end up being located...lounge in one of alcoves or the bedroom.....