North View Cottage

North View Cottage

28 Dec 2010

Christmas Present!

Unwrapped my Christmas present from hubby, to find a fantastic cast iron nameplate sign for the cottage..
When built in 1845, it was named 'North View', but around 1960, it was given a number, '83'..
We intend to rename it as originally known on the old deeds.

21 Dec 2010

Snowy Icy Days

We have had horrendous icy cold days for the last week, but have still managed to get to the cottage and do some work.

The first thing we noticed on our return, was that the clips holding the new guttering had pulled from the fascia boards due to the heavy weight of the ice that had built up. A telephone call to the builder, and this was soon rectified and extra clips fitted.

After a visit to several local DIY stores, we were soon stocked up with a high output fan heater, a new hammer drill with chisel attachments, an electric screwdriver, a wrecking bar, hammer, and numerous other tools all to help with the work we have planned.

We have printed a project plan, which is now sellotaped to the door in the warmest room in the cottage (now known as the "bait cabin" - somewhere to get a cup of tea and warm your toes and fingers in between jobs)!

Today's visit, and the toilet cistern is frozen, so unable to flush!!! and the kitchen sink waste also frozen...not to mention the inside of the windows! -12 degrees overnight!

6 Dec 2010

Google Earth

Pictures taken from Street View on Google cottage last winter with old roof!